So you won't go through what I did
Was personal liability on your radar when you accepted your job offer? Not likely.
Take note: with 401(k) duty comes unlimited, inescapable personal liability. Subordinates and service providers don’t get sued; you do.
I’ve been there. I accepted a position where the team was experienced and no prior problems. But then I was dragged into a regulatory investigation for a mistake by one of the “experienced” staff. I paid lawyers – a lot – and settled.
Years later, I faced another accusation. I wrote my own response, no lawyers. The agency relented. The commissioner said my documents were “the best I’ve seen in my twenty years here”, and further asked if he could use them as training for his legal staff.
Apparently, I had learned some crucial details in the first go ’round.
By coincidence, I sold 401(k)s for years, was president of a regional investment broker-dealer, founded a Registered Investment Advisor, Accredited Investment Fiduciary.
I speak 401(k) and I speak defendant, an odd combination and a very good combination for what you need.
For years, I had a nagging thought, “If people knew how one-sided 401(k) fiduciary liability is, they’d do something …”. But what? Furthermore, what could I do about it?
After I retired, I decided to apply my know-how to benefit you.
Like what had worked for me, I built for you analytical procedures and documentation so thorough your accusers give up, the SAFE-D Fiduciary Safety System.
- wrote The 401(k) Lawsuit Playbook, A Fiduciary’s Guide
- created Boundary Illumination training videos
- founded the Fiduciary SafeHarbor Association so we could all share and benefit without conflicts of interest
You won’t find training videos, a book, a database/ software, a procedural system, and an association, all organized to create safety for 401(k) fiduciaries anywhere else. Unique. Just a fact. Just what you need.
Your cost? Zero. Your time? Minimal.